Our Presentations
- Em Buten: “Work in Progress: Are Project Teams Actually Developing Professional Skills?”
- Betsy Strehl: “Work in Progress: Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Macroethical Issues in Aerospace Engineering”
- Megan Ennis: “Work in Progress: Implementing an Orbital Debris Macroethics Lesson in a Junior-Level Spacecraft Dynamics Course”
2023 IEEE Ethics Conference Presentation
- Betsy Strehl: “Macroethics in Aerospace Engineering: Implementing Ethics Lessons into Undergraduate Courses and Analyzing Student Perceptions of Issues within the Discipline”
2023 University of Michigan Engineering Education Innovation (EEI) Days
- Boomer Perry: “Designing and Implementing Open-Ended Modeling Problems (OEMPs) in Engineering Science Courses”
- Aaron Johnson: “Developing Critically-Conscious Aerospace Engineers through Macro-ethics Curricula”
2023 University of Michigan Design Expo Presentation
- Boomer Perry: “Designing and Implementing Open-Ended Modeling Problems (OEMPs) in Engineering Science Courses”
2023 AIAA SciTech Conference Presentation
- Aaron Johnson: “How Students Situate Aerospace Project Teams to Coursework and Industry.” (Paper)
2022 FIE Conference Presentation
- Aaron Johnson: “Investigating the Transferability of the Productive Beginnings of Engineering Judgment Framework from Interview Data to Group Discourse Data” (Paper)