MARS Dialogues – AY 2024-25

Macroethics—Addressing our Responsibility to Society

MARS Dialogues are a space where students, faculty, and staff can collaboratively learn, discuss, and understand how engineering technology can enable social justice. We are (currently) a collaboration between Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences, but we welcome participation from anyone at Michigan! We are supported by a DEI Faculty Grant.

To sign up for our e-mail list and be kept up-to-date about our Dialogues, please click here.

Join us for the following full-group dialogues this semester!

November 14, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Environmental Justice – What second-order effects do engineered systems have on the environment and people?
Followed by Aero- and NERS-specific dialogues the week of Nov. 18 addressing environmental justice in these disciplines.

December 3, 10:00 – 11:30 am
Technical Communications – How do we communicate across differences with people who disagree with us?

To view up-to-date meeting times and locations, please subscribe to the MARS Dialogue calendar.

At the beginning of every month we will have a full-group meeting to introduce a topic. Then, in the following month, we will have one discipline-specific meeting in each field to dig deeper into case studies and examples on the same topic. We currently have plans to hold aerospace- and NERS-specific dialogues, but anyone is welcome to any and all dialogues they would like to attend! We also welcome students, staff, and faculty in other departments who want to organize their own MARS Dialogues. For more information, please contact Aaron Johnson at [email protected].

And, for our collected aerospace macroethics resources, please see this page on the SHUTTLE Lab website.